Installation of R, R studio and R Tools for Data Science for Windows and Ubuntu

  • Step 1:  Download  R from  URL :

  Open this URL and Click on Download R for Windows (Follow as per the Instructions Highlighted in yellow color in the below screenshots)

Click on Download R for Windows

Click on Install R for the First Time

Click on Download R 4.1.0 for Windows

R starts downloading

Step 2: R Starts downloading, install once download is completed.

Choose the Language English and click Next

Click Next

Leave all default settings in the installation options.

Installation is in progress

Click on finish

  • Step 3: R is successfully Installed, Now let’s Download  R Studio

Go to this URL :

Click on R studio Desktop – Open source License to download

Click on Download R Studio for Windows

Step 4: R Studio Starts downloading, install once download is completed.

Click on Install and click on Finish

The above Steps will help to Install R, R Studio and R Tools , Now Lets start R Programming ………

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