Efficient Ways to Avoid the Monday Blues:

How was your weekend?  It was fun, relaxing, and full of enjoyment, Right! Then why are you looking anxious and sad?

This is common thing that happens with most of us on every Monday. Despite having so much fun, shopping, hanging out with friends, and doing what you like the most, we feel depressed and unwilling to head towards another week full of work.

After a long, relaxing weekend, you may find waking up on Monday morning difficult. In a rush to be on time, you’re tripping out of bed to make coffee, stumbling into work clothes and Does the start of your workweek trigger overwhelming feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress? Do you lack passion and motivation on Monday morning? Are you sluggish or tense?

If you’re nodding affirmatively, you might have the Monday Blues.

Here are some Efficient and Legit Ways to avoid the Monday Blues:

  1. Leave or Relieve Entire Work stress on Friday

The strong Reason for feeling Blue on Monday can be because of Stressful Workload. A great way to combat such anxiety is to complete all your pending tasks and dreadful assignments on Friday, in this case Mondays will not be a Challenging and You can Unplug work for the weekend.

2 . Identify What is Wrong with You:

The very first thing you need to do is know what is wrong with you. Ask yourself. If you feel Monday morning blues most of the times, then definitely this is something serious that needs to be addressed properly.

One way to do is to prepare a list of things that break you down at work. Is it a negative co-worker, or your stubborn boss, or the high stress of work, or maybe anything else, you ought to identify the problem. Once you get clarified

 3. Get Proper Good Night Sleep:

If you are going to party hard on Sunday then surely this will affect your Monday. Going to bed a little early on Sunday night will help you take a good night sleep and prepare your body for the next day.

So, line up all your late-night parties, hangouts, shopping, and such stuff for Saturday. Just let Sunday be your day at home and the time to get absolute relaxation and sleep. When you will be lazy on Sunday, then you will be more relaxed and energetic to work on Monday.

4. Be A Master of Calm :

After the relaxation and extra sleep of the weekend, sometimes our body clock needs a bit of readjusting for Monday Morning. Rather than pressing snooze a dozen times, then rushing around, try having a nice calming bath before you head to bed on Sunday night, then set the alarm 30 minutes early. You could even head out for a run or brisk walk to help wake yourself up and clear your mind pre-commute.

5. Dress Up Nicely:

Dressing up and showing that you are ready for work brings in lasting positivity. When you appear good, you feel good.

Make yourself more magnetic and charismatic by dressing up in your favorite outfit on Monday. This will build confidence and might even offer you with compliments from co-workers.

6.Be Positive About Your Work:

Starting a week with a Positive attitude is just going to bring you more appreciations about the work. even before you head towards work you must pump yourself with positivity towards your work, the way you work. This can be done by listening to high-energy music in the morning or avoiding a complaining culture in the office and improve your attitude towards others.

This is one thing that you can practice during any day of the week.

If your mood is upset or you are feeling a little low, or something is troubling you, then all such situations can be overcome by simply listening to energized and lively music. Just play music loud in your house, while you get ready for your office, or you can play live music in your car while driving to the office. This will surely lift your mood high.

7. Hit to Gym on Weekends:

This is another unique and amazing thing that you can do to avoid Monday morning blues.