First let me explain what is Inferior complexity
The American Psychological Association defines an inferiority complex as:
“…a basic feeling of inadequacy and insecurity, deriving from actual or imagined physical or psychological deficiency.
Let me explain you clearly on this, For example : if your friend is in great shape, charming and she is a fitness freak. what comes next to your mind ???
And let’s be real, it happens all the damn time , we are rational to think “Wow, she Looks better than me “.
Comparing ourselves to others is not exactly the inferior Complexity, but comparing ourselves to other people and feeling like we don’t measure up is exactly called Inferior complexity.
We feel inferior for lots of reasons. If your colleague gets the promotion, and you start to question your skills and abilities. Or when someone breaks up with you, it can make you wonder why you weren’t good enough. You might compare yourself to a sibling whose achievements are greater than you.
When we have chronic low self-esteem, there is a chance to develop an inferiority complex and we feel like our negative talks &Thoughts are totally Justifiable.
What causes feelings of inferiority? 🤔
Psychologists think that several factors could explain why some of us are prone to feeling inferior.
Here are few reasons:
1. Negative childhood experiences:

People grown up with more sensitivity and Overprotective parenting can lead to chronic low self- esteem.
2.Genetic factors: Researchers says that our level of self-esteem is partly down to your genes.

3. Unrealistic social norms:

This can be our standard of Living and status in the society.
As Per Instagram Survey, Almost 96 Percentage of people are suffering from Inferior Complexity
What are the Common symptoms of an Inferiority Complex ????
Mental Challenges:
1.Difficulty accepting mistakes or failure
2.Feeling insecure, incomplete, unworthy
3.Feelings of hostility, frustration, nervousness, or aggression
4. Feeling Depressed, anxious , narcissistic and Frustrated
Physical Challenges:
1.Height will Impact
2. Put on excess weight
3. Vision may affect
4.Speech, facial and Body Features changes
5.Lose Strength
In this Post i will tell You a few tips to overcome feeling inferior to others:
- Self Love :

Alwayszzz connect with yourself through positive words of affirmation, which can help you drown out any negative feelings. Positive self-talk can help you uplift yourself whenever you’re feeling down.
2. Reach out for support or connect with a friend

Reach out to someone you can trust and who will be there for you, Discuss and express everything with them . Having someone there to validate our feelings can be so helpful!
3. Meditation and Journaling :

Please try meditation and journaling. Both of these activities can be valuable in helping you get more in-tune with yourself. They will help you begin to understand what some of your thought patterns around your self-image have been and where your feelings of inferiority originate — and you can begin to work toward a healthier and more affirming mindset.
4.Master You Mind by setting a meaningful Goals:

Setting and achieving goals improves your confidence and gives you a sense of achievement
Master Your Mind by reading books, Listening podcasts and inspirational blog posts are a huge source of inspiration and help in dropping the inferiority complex.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses; there is no reason why anyone should feel less confident than others. Finally, The bottom line is that living with an inferiority complex isn’t something you have to just put up with. It’s something that you can break free from — and you deserve to have a healthy self-esteem that lets you feel strong, happy, and confident again.